You could go to the local drug store and pick up a pre-made card, but a homemade candy gram for Valentine’s Day is so much sweeter! If you’re not sure how to go about this crafty and yummy DIY project, we have all the steps for you. Just follow our guide below and deliver a personalized, pretty, and delicious candy gram to your loved ones on February 14!
Pick Your Style
There are so many types of candy grams like an edible flower bouquet, a candy wreath, and a candy-laden card. For the sake of simplicity for this project, we’re modeling our DIY candy gram tutorial after a traditional card.
Shop For Candies
These candy grams are poster-board-sized, but you could always make these smaller if you have lots of people to love on for Valentine’s Day. If you do go for a larger candy gram, here are some candies to bring home:
- Snickers
- M&Ms
- Red Hots
- Skor
- Sour Patch Kids
- 100 Grand
- Mike & Ike
- Smarties
- Laffy Taffy
- Life Savers
- Extra
- Hubba Bubba
- Dum Dums
- Nerds
- Baby Ruth
- Good N Plenty
Write Your Message
What do you want to say to the one you love? If it’s your kids, you can make it silly and sweet, but if it’s for your significant other you might want to say something more romantic. To help you out, use the script this creative crafter wrote (or the one above!), “To my Sweettarts, you are Extra special to me. Thank you for everything! You give me love that is Good & Plenty, and I wouldn’t trade you for a Pay Day! You make my Starburst! Never thought I’d Skor a man who makes me Snickers so much! I’m so happy we found each other in this Milky Way. I love you to Reeses Pieces my Big Hunk!
Or try this one: “Happy Valentine’s Day to my SweetTart. You are so aaah-M&Ms-azing. When I’m with you I feel like I’m on the Milky Way or just won 100 Grand! I don’t care if people Snickers because I love you to Reese’s Pieces. You are my LifeSaver. What did I do to score a Hot Tamales like you?”
Get Gluing
Once you know what you want to say, write your message on your card stock or foam core and start glueing your candies where they fit into the script. Remember, leave some room when you’re writing so everything looks as lovely as it will taste!
Share Your Candy Gram
We’d love to see the loving messages you all come up with, so please share your candy gram with us all in the comments section below! And if you’d like to say even more to those you love this Valentine’s Day, check out our custom conversation heart message generator to get something you can share with friends on social media.
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